Graphpad license
Graphpad license

For single-user software, or other small (under $5,000 and/or under 5 users) software that is not already licensed by the campus, you or your department purchaser may purchase on your own.If we are not able to help provide the software now, we will add the software product to the list of Prospective Products so that others who are interested can contact us.

graphpad license

  • Contact Software Licensing to see how we may help you with building the cost/purchase model, in addition to contract review, procurement, and license management.
  • (See “Software Funding” under Services We Offer.) You will need to represent at least one of the funding sources for software, or, represent a large number of users of the software.
  • OIT does not centrally pay for software departments (either one or several in a collaborative cost sharing model) will fund the software.
  • OIT may contact you to request additional information, inform you of upcoming vendor presentations and user group meetings, and/or ask you to complete a survey regarding the product(s).
  • Your area (department, school, or institute).
  • Approximate number of people in your area who would use the product.
  • Partnering with the OIT Software Asset Management team (SAM) may improve your procurement experience and reduce your compliance risks in the future.
  • If not on either list and this will be generally available campus software, contact Software Licensing to see how we can help with contract review, procurement, and license management.
  • Review the Prospective Products list to see if others have an interest in the same product.
  • graphpad license

  • Review the Software Catalog to determine if the campus already licenses this software, or if a similar product exists that can meet your needs.
  • If your department is considering or preparing to purchase a new multi-user software product, please follow these steps: For example, a 5-user software license where each individual license costs $10,000 each is appropriate to manage at the campus level a 50-user software license where each individual license costs $10 each is not.

    graphpad license

    The number varies based on factors such as the value of the product. In order to be considered for a campus license, software should be multi-user software (used by multiple people or devices). OIT updates this page regularly to keep customers informed of progress toward obtaining multi-user licenses.

    graphpad license

    This page lists products under consideration for possible multi-user license agreements as well as the process for adding products to our Software Catalog. If you have questions about this process, please contact Software Licensing. In July 2023, this page will be retired and the process for making and tracking software requests will change. Update: Prospective Products process is changing

    Graphpad license